Monday, February 17, 2014

2014 Wedding Trends Continued!

As we venture into the New Year wedding trends for the upcoming season continue to emerge! So here is a continued list of all fun, hip, and in wedding trends for 2014! Enjoy!

The Mani Statement

The dress has its moment. The shoes even have theirs! But don't underestimate the power of a good mani! Show that gorgeous ring off in style and take a look at some of our favorite pics from Pinterest!

The Grooms Cake

Not only is it the brides time to shine, but the boys should have some fun as well! And what better way to show your man how much you love him than by the perfect grooms cake that expresses exactly who he is! Take a look at our favorite cakes we found on Pinterest!

Dramatic Photo Booths

Who says the DIY photo booth isn't worth it?? We are all about making your wedding as personal as possible to show this reflection of you as a couple, and personalized photo booths are the perfect touch! Not only can you have fun together, but your guests will enjoy it as well! Check out these fun a quirky booths we found!

Here's to the best wedding season 2014 has to offer!

Happy Planning!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Can You Have an "Unplugged" Wedding?

How many times have you gone to a wedding and used your cell phone at some point in time to either take pictures, post pictures to social media sites, made a video, or used a unique hash tag with the couples name or date in it?

How many times have you gone to a wedding and did nothing of the sort?

Couples have been into "supercharging" their weddings and making them accessible from anywhere at any point in time. They want others to see them walk down the aisle, or getting ready, or having their first dance while it's happening. But there are a new set of couples who are doing the polar opposite. 

Even we here at AMH are guilty of encouraging guests and loved ones to Tweet or post photos to our Facebook so their guests unable to attend can follow along with the big day. It also gives other brides we work with an ability to see our work live before their eyes. And while we had never seen an issue with it before, couples who are asking their guests to "unplug" are really making us think about how much we spoil being present in the moment just to get that first picture, or video, or hash tag.

Take a look at why "Unplugging" from weddings may very well be the #1 Trend for 2014

1. Live In The Moment

While photos and videos of important staples in your life are a must have for memories you cannot let them cloud the actual event. When you get married the majority of couples while hire people (usually people they have no personal association with) to capture those special moments for them. So as a guest, let the pros do their jobs and be present in the moment. Don't watch your daughters first kiss through a camera. Appreciate being there, surrounded by the love and support of this couple, and soak up every moment. Want that staple picture? Ask the couple for it when the photographer is finished editing! You will be much happier in the end.

2. Don't Spoil the Little Things

Because our society is so technologically driven, many people have their phones or other electronic devices glued to their hands. And with such quick access to mass media our ability to take a picture and share it with hundreds can happen in the blink of an eye. There are so many special moments that couples (and of course women in particular) dream about with their wedding. One of those moments being the first time your soon-to-be husband sees you walking down the aisle in your wedding dress. But what happens when you snap a picture of the bride in her dress, upload to a social media site, and the groom sees it before she walks down the aisle? Not only does it ruin a very special moment, but it takes away the uniqueness and tradition that comes along with it. 

Moral of the story? If you MUST take pictures make sure you're aware of who is in them, where you post them, and when they go up on sites. Some people want to be surprised!

3. Don't Get in the Way

Having talked to a lot of photographers about having an "unplugged" wedding I was shocked at the answers I received. Many photographers and videographers encourage couples to post signs or make notes about cell phones and other devices being put away during the wedding. Many of my photographer friends have had serious issues that hinder their pictures of important moments. Why? Because guests (unknowingly I will say) step right in front of them and block the image, or use a flash setting that is un-editable after the fact, or actually shove, push, or are rude to the photographer you are paying serious bucks for to capture a better image. Take a look at what could happen to you:

Moral of the story? Try going "unplugged" at your next wedding and see what the difference is. And if you are getting married in the future, think about the impact of technology on your big day. 

With love,


Monday, January 6, 2014

Enevoldson Wedding- September 28, 2013

Melissa and Jeffrey are such a fun, loving couple! Their traditional ceremony held at the Sacred Heart Of Jesus Catholic Church followed by their contemporary reception at the Boulevard Brewery is one to be envied. We helped this amazing couple with things such as finalizing all contracts with their vendors, creating an individualized timeline for their wedding day, helping with the rehearsal dinner, and setting up the decorations for the reception. Overall, we couldn't be happier for Melissa and Jeffrey, and we are so happy they allowed us to share in their big day! (Photos by Emily + Pete Photography)

The ladies of AMH wish you nothing but many years of happiness. Congrats!



Monday, November 11, 2013

Winter Wonderland!

When I was little I was determined to have a Winter Wonderland wedding. Hanging icicles, Christmas trees, fur wraps, and of course, snow were all must haves on my list. Fast forward twenty years to my wedding which was outside on a beautiful May day surrounded by nature, friends, and family! Quite the opposite of what mini me had in mind, but simply perfect. But as the holidays get closer, I cannot help but imagine what my wedding would have looked like if the Winter Wonderland theme had won. Well, here is a sneak peak! And maybe if icicles, Christmas trees, fur wraps, and snow are in your wedding plans, you can get some fun and creative ideas!

Happy Holidays from everyone at All My Heart!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

2014 Trends to Pay Attention To!

Getting married in 2014? Whether you are just now beginning to plan your wedding, or are halfway to the BIG day, take a look at these fun wedding trends we see happening for 2014! 

Marquee Letters

Not many couples think "lighting" when overall design ideas come up during planning. But lighting, whether it be a natural or artificial light, is very important in setting the overall mood. Marquee lettering are a fun and interesting way to incorporate unique lighting ideas as well as be creative and personal! 

The Wedding Movie

Long gone are the days where couples have your typical wedding video. What's in now? The Wedding Movie! Starting from the very beginning of the day and going way into the party after, videographers are on the rise who can capture a couples nuptials in an artistic way. Take a look at some of the videos below to get an idea of what can be done to make your wedding day last a lifetime! Be careful though. You made need a tissue or two!

Floral Crowns

Are cathedral length veils not your style? Or maybe as a modern bride you decide that veils in general are not the look you want on your wedding day. No problem! Try looking into floral crowns. With your hair simply swept up these simple accessories can become statement pieces at your wedding. You can keep it simple with babies breathe or add some of your signature buds in there to match your bouquet. Either way, these earthy touches are becoming very popular in 2014!

Smaller, Intimate Ceremonies

When girls are young we dream about our wedding day. We dream about our hair, the dress, and of course the massive amount of family and friends who will be there to support us. But on the rise in 2014 is the comeback of small, intimate ceremonies. Instead of inviting 300 people to watch you say "I do," couples are downgrading to the closest family they have. Whether it be to pinch a couple of pennies, or because you want it that way, smaller ceremonies are beautiful. If you're looking for something that will solely express who you are as a couple, look no further!

From lights, to flowers, to theme, there are many more trends on the rise for 2014. Make sure you check back to stay on top of what is happening and get ideas about your own BIG day!



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fall Is RIght Around the Corner... And So Is Engagement Season!!!

Have you ever noticed that engagements come in packs? For example, it only takes one person in your friend group to get engaged, and the next thing you know your other girlfriends, neighbors, cousins, distant relatives, are all comparing rings, dresses and venues at gatherings!

As the song goes, we are rolling into "The most wonderful time of the year!" AKA, Engagement Season! Everyone loves the holidays, and rightfully so! It's an amazing excuse to gather your closest friends and family and celebrate being together. And what better way for your significant other to pop the question than in front of everyone you love. 

So grab your Pumpkin Spice Latte, a copy of EA Magazine, and start thinking about how you want your perfect wedding day to be! And whether you know a proposal is just around the corner, or you want to get a jump start on planning for when it does, here are some tips I tell all of my brides when they get engaged to help them start the process of becoming a Mrs!


The #1 thing any couple needs to do BEFORE anything else is set a date. By setting a date you are committing yourself to actually taking the plunge, and you have a better understanding of what you're looking for with the overall wedding feel. Lets say you are wanting the perfect winter wonderland. Well choosing a date in July will probably not be your best bet. Also keep in mind what date will work best for your guests, family, and friends who want either in or attending the wedding. While July might not be a good date New Year's Eve may not be either. Yes it's perfect for that winter feel, but a lot guests may have prior plans. Look at all your possible dates and pick the best one that fits you!


Before you start thinking about venues, catering, dresses, or anything else of value in your wedding, set a REALISTIC budget. Talk openly with your parents and family members who will be giving you money toward the big day about how much they will be able to help with. Or if you're paying for the wedding yourselves, open a line of communication with your fiancĂ© about how much  you will actually be able to afford. By defining a budget you are setting a realistic foundation for what your wedding day will be. It will allow you to look at venues and dresses that are within your budget. The worst feeling in the world is trying on a dress you fall in love with only to find out its $10,000 and double your whole budget for the wedding! And one you define this realistic budget, STICK TO IT! Do not deviate. And remember, you can have your perfect dream wedding no matter what budget you have.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have all seen this at least a million times in our lives. Or our friends have talked about the ones they hired for their wedding. Or you know your own personal planner friend who is jumping up and down at the thought of planning your bridal shower! But on a serious note, hire a wedding planner. Wedding planners specialize in keeping couples on a budget, dealing with sticky situations, being organized, and above all, getting things done. Even if you feel you're the most organized and independent person there is, you can never go wrong with hiring a planner. Not only will they have amazing ideas to make your day that much more special, but they have access to an incredible thing called a vendor list. This coveted list is something planners spend years working on and it is filled with the best of the best in the wedding industry! So you know your wedding will be in amazing hands. Plus it takes all the stress off your and your fiancĂ© so you can really enjoyed being engaged. After all, that's what it's all about!

So Happy Planning my beautiful couples! And enjoy this time of year where everyday is an excuse to stop by Starbucks!



Monday, September 9, 2013

Hunter Wedding September 7, 2013

Simply beautiful is what comes to mind when I think of Joe, Jessica, their daughter Autumn, and their wedding day this past Saturday. AMH was so lucky to help such an amazing couple plan their nuptials, and we are so honored they trusted us to help them along the way.

The J's chose our Something Borrowed Package, our "half plan" option for couples. They had such a strong foundation of planning but just needed a little help to finish things up. We aided the couple in centerpieces, flowers, catering, and of course, providing amazing Day Of services that made the BIG day go off without a hitch!

Every little detail in their wedding was so personal and fun you were reminded of the couple everywhere you turned. Even down to the actual venue, her Grandfather's farm and gazebo. Again, simply beautiful and we are so happy for them. Congrats!